Case Converter


About Case Converter Tool

Online Case and text converter tool | Convert lowercase uppercase word Case Converter Tool is a free online tool that can convert any text to upper case, lower case, proper case and to the sentence case also. It is an online text converter tool designed to convert string of text into any case. It will save your lot of time by simply copy pasting the document. It is the best online case converter that will do the work on the single click. Type or paste your text into the text area and then click on the button in which you want to convert your document. Here is the example of all the cases. Simply copy and paste your text into the text area above and click on the buttons at the bottom to convert it to one of the different cases: “Upper Case” CONVERTS THE ENTIRE LETTER INTO CAPITAL LETTERS. “Lower Case” converts entire letters into small letters. “Proper Case” Converts The Text In Which Every Word Has Its First Letter Capitalized. “Sentence Case” This capitalizes only the first letter of each sentence and converts the rest of the text to lower case. First letter after every full stop is converted into the capital letter. Now, as your text is converted. You just have to press copy button and paste it back into your document. Isn’t it simple! Share it with others too.